Humane Connections

Creating humane connections with humane support

How can we help?

We have realized more and more people are adjusting to a different way of life since the virus outbreak. This period in isolation may not always be easily understood and it’s only natural for us to be somewhat weary about the future. But for a moment, let’s stay still…

Ask yourself, are these thoughts and concerns healthy? Are they affecting me negatively or positively? Have I been able to listen to my body and soul’s needs? Do I feel at ease when I think about uncertainty?

We at Unwind Therapeutics too had to tweak our service models so that we could reach the people who need it the most, especially in this uncertain time. We have always been true to our approaches in wholistic medicine, bringing people to a state of wholeness in body, mind, spirit, emotion, and relationships (with other people and with their environment).

We hope, through our non-profit community Humane Connections , we can help and connect with each other humanely.

Customized Self-Care Routine

Do you feel like the time flies and you haven't even seen yourself in the mirror?

Consciously make time in the day for yourself, to relax and unwind from all the daily chores...

With Food

Do you enjoy what you eat or is a meal just another checklist?

Consciously feed yourself the right foods, which helps nourish and keep you healthy.


Do you feel generally lethargic and unmotivated?

Consciously learn your bodily functions, its rhythm and patterns, to harness your energy.

Conscious Psychotherapy

Is it difficult to balance your home and work at the same time?

Consciously be aware of the consequences through your thoughts and actions.

Message From The Unwind Team

“We encourage our clients to reflect on the key areas of their lifestyle, their core beliefs and their unique experiences. Together we customize wholistic sessions to provide them with the tools allowing them to make healthy decisions and approach challenges with power and resilience.

We use integrated therapeutic models through a wholistic approach – which means we handle the body, mind and spirit as one.”

Humane Support

You can support someone by donating a therapy and join our non-profit organization Humane Connections
Call us on 403-813-5951

or Message us for more detail

Contact Details

Phone: 403-813-5951


Business Hours

Monday – Thursday

(9am – 7pm)

Friday  (9am – 6pm)

Saturday  (10am – 5pm)

Sunday  (10am – 3pm)

@2020UnwindTherapeutics All Rights Reserved